Event Services and Staffing

Event Planner

Our event planners are trained to communicate on your behalf to vendors, venues, and our team to ensure your event stays within budget and true to your vision.

Looking forward to the event planning process?

Inquire how you can hire a day of event lead to take care of staffing, set up and break down, schedules, and vendor communication!

Servers & Waitstaff

Our servers are trained to take orders, help with customer service, cleaning, answer questions about the beverage or food menu, and communicate efficiently with event lead and other team members to ensure a successful event.

Bartenders & Barbacks

Our bartenders and barbacks are trained to provide the best customer service to your event guests. Their responsibilities include knowing how to make traditional and trending drink items, managing inventory, set up and break down of the bar, and ensuring a sanitary environment.

Dishwasher & Kitchen Staff

Our dishwasher and kitchen staff team are trained to maintain a clean kitchen, sort, wash, dry, and put away dishes. Their priority is to keep the dish area free of clutter, and set up the kitchen to ensure inventory efficiency.

Additional Staff

The Claire and Jan Art Foundation prioritizes the needs of the client to ensure a successful event.

Whether you need a coat-check station, doorman, or elevator operator, we can create a custom team to fit your needs.

Please inquire with a Claire and Jan Art Foundation event team member to learn about our pricing